Kansas Artist Opportunities

Kansas Artist Opporutunites Form

The Red Barn Studio Museum is compiling a list of artists and crafter who are interested in opportunities to demonstrate their craft, exhibit their work, set up vendor booths, or collaborate with businesses, galleries, event planners, and other arts-focused organizations. This list will be shared with oranizations and individuals looking to work with Kansas artists.

Raymer Society Artist-in-Residence

The Artist-in-Residence program at the Red Barn Studio is open to visual artists, craftsmen, musicians, writers, and performers.

Instuct a Workshop at Smoky Valley Arts & Folklife Center

Share your creativity and skills by leading a workshop at Smoky Valley Arts & Folklife Center. Whether you’re a painter, sculptor, printmaker, or work in another medium, we welcome artists to inspire and engage our community. Set your own schedule, choose your topic, and connect with students of all ages.

Svensk Hyllningsfest Arts & Crafts Vendor

Be part of the fun at Svensk Hyllningsfest on October 17 & 18 in Lindsborg, KS! As arts & crafts vendor you will set up outdoors in a prime festival spot near the food court. It’s a great chance to share your work with thousands of festival-goers!

“ I encourage other artists to apply for this privilege in Lindsborg, Kansas, which is an appropriate city for the residency with its artistic and cultural richness.”

Barbara Waterman-Peters

Studio Artist | Topeka, Ks

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